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Do your new hires feel welcome?

According to the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM), it typically costs about $8,000 to replace a worker earning around $40,000. The average time to fill a position is 36 days. Making onboarding a priority can help a new hire feel welcome and like the company wants them to succeed.

What is onboarding?

Onboarding starts before the new hires first day with a welcome email letting them know what to expect on their first day. It continues the first week with a thorough orientation to the company. Don't just put them in an office with some videos to watch. Take them around to meet other staff. Include them on project meeting for all departments. Introduce them to a mentor that will be able to help them acclimate for the first few months. Onboarding is a hands-on process.

New hires need a clear vision of the company and what is expected of them. New hire will be frustrated if they are left to sink or swim. Managers play a big part in whether onboarding is successful or not.

Make sure your new hires feel welcome and get off on the right foot for success. Want more information about creating a great onboarding process. Request a copy of our free E-Book Onboarding - making your new hires feel welcome. Want help setting up a system, give Big Dog HR a call and we can sit down and create a custom system just for your business.

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